We have made a few updates to the site design.
– You may have noticed a new landing page greeting you when you first get on to the site. Users who are logged in won’t see this page. The idea is to introduce new users to our site with this page, rather than throwing them right in the midst of the latest lessons like before.
– Related to this is a (long due) “Remember password” option that has been added under the main login window.
– A “Vocabulary” option has been added to the Wordbank. This way you don’t have to specify whether you’re searching for Pinyin, Simplified, Traditional or English – all should work from that field. If not required, the other options may be removed.
You will start to see other additions to the site over the next few weeks. More information will be provided here as they are released. As always, please continue to send me feedback on what you like and / or what can be improved.