Learn Chinese Insights Podcast Episode 011: Jason Schuurman

Jason has lived in Taichung, Taiwan for the past 4 years, after previously doing a stint in China. Listen to this episode to find out:

– What brought Jason to China in the first place.

– How he practiced learning Chinese before moving to China.

– The benefits of learning Chinese from a native English speaker, and what to look for

– How he compares interacting in Chinese in China versus Taiwan

– How he compared living in Nanjing versus Shanghai

– What prompted him to move from China to Taiwan

– His thoughts on traditional classroom learning versus modern methods

– His thoughts on learning to type versus learning to read.

– His approach to learning to read while learning to speak

– How he received a scholarship to learn Chinese in Taiwan (and what key approach he used)

– The differences between Chinese and Taiwanese people

– His communication approach with his Taiwanese wife


Resources and links mentioned: Anki flashcard program, Taiwan Ministry of Education Scholarship information


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