Vocabulary Page: Update 2

Feedback was given to me that the vocabulary pages for the last few review lessons were taking a long time to load due to all the lines of text and audio that had to be loaded. Since I expect longer dialogues in level 4 and beyond, the vocabulary page for all lessons has now been reorganized to only show 10 lines of dialogue or vocabulary at a time. You can navigate back and forth using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons that have been added where appropriate.

Hopefully this change along with the reorganizing of other elements in the vocabulary page will result in a more effective learning experience for you. Again, please continue to provide me with usability feedback since that is what drives development around here.

A new feature focused around teaching character recognition should be ready for launch in the next week or so. It’s required a lot of work on our side, but I’m sure the results will be well worth it, so stay tuned…

5 Responses to “Vocabulary Page: Update 2”

  1. Patricia

    Happy New Year to all,
    i have a question about the notes I can usually see by clicking twice on the Ipod screen.
    I have now the new Itouch, but cannot get the notes to show. Do you know how to show the notes on the Itouch?
    Love your podcast – keep it up please 🙂


  2. Michel Lamontagne

    The iTouch doesn’t have this function. I love the iTouch but I have to go back to my Nano to see the notes of my files. That’s a shame. I’d surely like if there was a way to fix that (upgrade?)


  3. Hi Adam,

    The site seems to work faster now for me (currently living in Beijing).
    I’m impressed with all the additions and improvements made. .it is getting very comprehensive! I’ve found that the audio files in the vocabulary page load much faster when I use Internet Explorer as opposed to Firefox. I’m having trouble lately recording with my mic. . . no audio goes through. My mic works with other applications. .but I suspect it must be some setup problem on my end. Happy new Year!


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