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1. Compare the following two sentences:

a. 期末考终于考完了.
b. 期末考终于就要考完了.

The addition of the extra characters 就要 indicates that the action has not happened yet, but is about to.

Similarly, compare the following sentences:

a. 学校也就要开始放暑假了.
b. 学校也开始放暑假了.

2. We’ve seen the character before in 提款. Here we see it used in 我想把平常存的钱提一部分出来.

3. Just like how in English, we use synonyms of words to avoid repeating ourselves, and to improve the quality of writing, the same thing happens in Chinese. In this conversation, both 计划 and 打算 have similar meanings, and are used together in the sentence 今年有计划出国旅行打算到处走走看看.

顺便 is used in situations where a person is already doing something else and can add a task without much effort. An example might be buying something on the way home. In the dialogue we hear 打算到处走走看看顺便放松心情. In this example, the speaker gets to relax without any added effort, since he is already out traveling.

We also get an explanation of this concept later in this lesson:


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