Michael L., Importer / Exporter, Florida, USA

I started listening to your podcast when you first started, maybe a week or two behind. I just returned from China. Your lessons helped a lot. I gave listened to a lot of Chinese lessons and I really like yours. I like the way you describe each individual words with literal translations. I did not realize you just started learning 3 years ago until today when I heard the lesson. What I like about your lessons is your precise, deliberate pronunciation of each word.

Your site has lot’s of toys that I like. I love the way you move the cursor over the words and it translates. I also enjoy the notes in the lyrics section of each pod cast. I really like your approach to learning Chinese. I usually listen to them in my car. I listened to just the reviews for almost a week. Now I have the hot setup. I have made CDs now that have lesson then the review. This is a nice collection. I listen to a lesson and review follows. I have 8 CDs so far and I don’t think it includes any lesson this week. What a great learning set. I think this 8 CD set would retail for $100 easy! I have bought Commercial CDs that I have spent a lot of money on that aren’t half as good as your course.

There are several native speaking courses out there, but I choose yours as my favorite. I also love the literal translations which helps as a building block for learning. It’s like the light comes on when you describe the new words. With you being a native English speaker, you understand how hard and confusing their language can be.

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