Thanks to Google I am happy indeed to have found you guys. I spend a few hours a day studying your course and it’s a lasting privilege to have found your site. ABSOLUTELY superbly structured online course and I look 4ward to becomig as proficient as you.
Again, being a teacher myself, I am absolutely thrilled by the calm and professionality with which you and Kirin dispense the lessons.
Please feel free to quote my appraisals, they seem an understatement, if comparing YOUR classes to the rampant and flashy online competition. For me, you got the essence of teaching altogether: contrary to many a competitor, it ain’t flashy ads and sex that sells (just browse thru some of the current online courses offers) but your calm, structure and competence.
Best wishes and I look 4ward to catching up as much as I can. Got to lesson 6 in a few hours and the stuff sticks in my mind too!!