I have been working all my life as a simultaneous conference interpreter in the Interpreting Service of the European Commission. I think that the progressive approach that you are offering is indeed very good, it is like building, adding new bricks every week taking into account the experience acquired during the previous weeks. I personally like it very much.
Very important to me is the fact that the course allows you at any time to take a step back and check and repeat. Repetition is crucial when learning a new language in order to really digest and integrate the content of every level. I concentrate mostly on recognition of the characters now and also the typing; you have built in some very useful exercices in the Activity part of each lesson. So, I can only repeat what I have said before:
I’m really pleased with the structure of the course and every week I am also looking forward to the skype class, that gives me an opportunity to listen and speak and learn more in the margin of the written material.